Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Heart of The Word

I am linking up with Rachel, Sarah, Katie, Rachel, Bailey for a month of focusing on God's word. They are reading Ephesiens. Simply, you read weekly for the month of February and you can link up with others and share what God is teaching you through His word. You can use the hashtag #heartoftheword and #heartofEphesians on social media. There's a
Here is the suggested breakdown:
Week 1: February 2 - 7 // Ephesians 1 - 2:13 // Link-Up @ Our Yellow Door
Week 2: February 8 - 14 // Ephesians 2:14 - 3 // Link-Up @ Rachel Rewritten
Week 3: February 15 - 21 // Ephesians 4 + Psalm 63 // Link-Up @ Joyfully Organized
Week 4: February 22 - 28 // Ephesians 5 + 6 // Link-Up @ A Place to Dwell

I always gain so much through these link ups. I stand in amament at how God speaks to each of us in a different way, yet it is perfect for each one of us. I hope that you join in on digging into the heart of the Word


Every January Beth Moore begins a scripture memory on her blog. I decided to join in and asked some friends to join in. I like the accountability. The idea is to learn and apply a new scripture on the 1st and 15th of every month. At the end of the year, that's 24 verses that have penetrated our hearts. There's no set verse. Each person decides on one that speaks to them at the time in their lives. I'm a little behind on blogging for these. Here are mine so far (I'm using the NLT version):

Jan. 1- Isaiah 43:19 "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
I chose this verse because as I embrace this new year, I am wanting God to do some new things in my life. I am taking some steps to try new things. To have new adventures and do things I 've never done before.

Jan. 15- Psalm 56:3-4 "But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. I praise God for what He has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?
I chose these verses because I am having to trust God with my grandmother's health. We are uncertain about two masses found in her right lung. It could be cancer. It could not be. The uncertainty is always a scary place for me. So I am putting my trust in God that He already knows the answers to our questions and that He has a plan. So no matter what the doctors say, God is in control.

Feb. 1- Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But if someone who falls alone is in real trouble."
I chose these verses because I am reminded that we need other people. As we are getting ready to start our new Bible study this month, I am praying that we are able to hold each other up. That we aren't falling alone. That God brings us closer together as friends as we dig deeper in Him.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Freeway Wrapup

It's hard to believe that it's been 12 weeks since we first began the study Freeway. Although I was extremely nervous and not sure about leading the group, it's turned out to be much better than I ever thought it would be. I loved having the chance to establish a deeper relationship with each of my friends. To hear them share their hearts and lives creates a ripple in my heart. Personally, I feel like I have grown a lot through this.
Here are some of the things that spoke to me the most:
"Too many of us believe the lie that we need to sanitize our scandals, brush away our grief, and cover up our scars."
"Everything you have faced had brought you to this moment to embrace your profound mission: to love the loveless and help God patch up the broken."
"Jesus smiles when we courageously grab hold of our second chance."
These statements spoke volumes to me. I've felt like my past was too hard for me to share. That others wouldn't gain anything hearing about my journey. Yet, God wants to use every part of my story. I'm not the only person to walk this road. And at times others need to know that they are not alone. That someone understands where they are coming from. I've felt God nudging me to expand my horizons and reach out of my comfort zone. I pray that I hear His voice and don't run from the opportunities that He puts in my life.

This is us at our final day of the study. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

30 in 30

Y'all, I'm turning 30 in January. Yes, I know it unimagable to me to. I have come to realize that there are things in my life that I've always wanted to do, yet never take the time to actually pursue these dreams. So, in 2015 I'm going to do some things that I want to do. I'm making plans now. I'm not letting things hold me back. I'm ready. I'm excited. Can I start early?

Here's my list so far:

1. New York- I'm going!!!!! The excitment is so grand I can barely contain it.
2. Attend a Women of Faith event- I've wanted to go for many years. The closest ones are always at a bad time in my schedule. Already got a date and making arrangments.
3. To read 30 books- I would love suggestions.
4. Go to Six Flags- and yes, I've never been
5. See the Arch in St. Louis
6. Go white water rafting
7. Annual trip with my friends
8. Ride a double decker bus
9. Learn to play the piano- at least one song
10. Ride in a hot air balloon
11. Get a tattoo- I'm just a chicken
12. Ride a train
13. Complete a 5k- actually running it
14. Take a dance class
15. I'm going to not let fear stand in the way of my being more open to sharing Jesus with others.

Anyone want to join me? I'm going to have a blast!