Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Last Friday I celebrated my 26th birthday. YEA!!!! I had made plans to have dinner with friends at my favorite restaurant in Memphis, TN. It was just Jametra, Sade', and I. We had so much fun. The only thing we did was go to eat. No Target, No Charming Charlie, just food. And it was good. REALLY good. It was a good night with some close friends. Who could ask for more?
Jametra and I  
Sade' and I  
The Three Amigo's 
Don't ask 
Birthday Girl 
This is a had to have been there picture 
Much better 
My birthday dinner 
Birthday cake

On Saturday, I met Jametra for a late lunch/early dinner. Then I went to the theater and saw The King's Speech. A great birthday weekend for sure! Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday.
 I have great friends for sure

I have some great things that I am waiting to announce on here. I should have more information and details by the end of this week. I can't wait to share this with everyone. (Then again, maybe I can).
Have a great week.


  1. YAY!!! Hope you had a great birthday! 26 just gets better every time I celebrate it ;)


  2. So happy for you! Looks like y'all had a wonderful time! I can't wait until your next blog. Take care.

  3. I'm glad you had a great birthday! do me a favor. when your free, go onto my blog && look under 'Beautiful People' it's not like OMG WOW, but most of my photography got erased & my fonts [cries] but, i'll find a way to start over & one day i'll make one suber uber beautiful & awesome.

    Thanks for being a great & supportive friend, Cindi.

