Thursday, July 17, 2014

Gotta do something

I intended to make a list (I love a list) for goals for July. Let us note how that didn't happen. But, August is on the horizon. So I am purposely making a list of things I want to accomplish in August. Unlike in the past, I am striving to not focus on every little thing that I don't accomplish. It's ok. Really, it is. So here goes….

Set aside time daily for The Word and quiet time with God. I am learning so much through the study Lord, I want to know You. I know that routine is something I thrive on, so getting into a better routine with my quiet time would do wonders for me. 

Become more active on my blog and in the blogging world.

To join a gym and become more healthy. After a couple of life changing events in my life over this course of the past two years, I have completely stopped even caring about my health. I'm so ready to get back on track. It's not entirely because of what the scale now reads. I am beginning to physically feel worse. I know that I have let this area go so much. It's time to tackle this again. 

I have a couple of books that I began and stopped reading them. Mostly because the words were truth into my life and I was not ready to deal with it. I having been feeling a nudging to pick these books up again. I believe that my heart and mind are at a better place to receive what this words have to say. 

To live in the moment. So many times, I'm focused on getting things done. To check off another thing on my daily list. I hope that I can let go of some control and enjoy the little moments. 

Here's to embracing new things and cherishing the old ones. 


  1. I love this list so much! I can relate to EVERY single one of these. Today was my first day back at the gym and it was scary and exhilarating, all at the same time. I looked in the mirror and realized that something HAS to change. I'm excited to read your post tomorrow about Lord, I Want to Know You! It's been so good, hasn't it? I can't wait to see how you accomplish all of these goals :)

    1. I am dreading my first day in the actual gym. Gonna start walking first. Gotta start somewhere. Hoping that with accountability, I will not give up on these goals.

  2. I was just thinking about this same thing today... making some goals for the month of August. If not, I get caught up in a "fog" and just going through the motions. Blogging is a great way for accountability. :) Lana
