Friday, September 17, 2010

This week

I got the idea and blog title from Jess over at The Macs.
So here's my week.

This week I didn't do so well in the exercise/eat better aspect of my life.

This week I ate sweets that I shouldn't have.

This week I took care of kids that I didn't give birth to.

This week I cleaned my room.

This week I washed all my laundry.

This week I laughed so hard at Tay one day that I cried.

This week I cried like a baby when reading about Kristen's new adventure with The Mercy House.

This week I felt like a SAHM. Complete with one kid outside (in view), supper cooking on the stove, a cake in the oven, cleaning dishes, and playing Perfection with Anns. (This was only one day)

This week I got to go home earlier than usual and went to bed.

This week I have been reminded how incredibly much the Saviour of the universe loves me. JUST AS I AM.

This week I didn't get done everything that I wanted to do.

This week I am grateful.

So what did you do/not do this week.

Also this week I wore my red jewelery from Charming Charlie.
I love this store.
Here is a picture of my red ring.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog a few weeks ago and LOVE IT. You are so inspiring! It's nice to see women who love the Lord!
