Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bible Study

Accountability. It's as simple as that one word. My life lacks a lot of accountability. I have a hard time opening myself up to others in order to be completely honest. I had planned for this past week to begin some new things. Eat better. Start walking. Not eating out as much. Lay back on the Starbucks. Start a Bible Study. Read my Bible more. All things that I feel are truly needing to happen in my life at this time. Did any of it happen? Well, I did only have Starbucks once. It's a step. I was very discouraged with myself and lack of determination. I had a pity party one day. While inhaling a candy bar, I saw a link on FB from Mandisa. She has signed up for a new Made to Crave Online Bible Study. I have read MTC, and it's excellent. I clicked the link. I read what Mandisa wrote and then clicked to the website. After reading the details, I know that it was God's timing for this to come my way. The study begins Jan. 19 and I'm looking forward to it. I am writing about it here so I can stay accountable. Even if it's just to myself.
If anyone wants to join this study, click here. Would love some friends along the way.

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