Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Year....

As I am thinking about 2009 coming to a close, I wonder did I do it all? Have I done what God wanted me to with my life for this year? Did I encounter the people that He wanted me to? Did I spend enough time with family or friends?
I know that I can not take back or redo anything from this past year. Yet, I can hope that what I did do was enough. My life is not where I once dreamed it would be. Yet, it all seems to be exactly where it needs to be.
I am so thankful to serve a God that looks beyond my faults and loves me for exactly who I am.
My deepest prayer for the new year would be to truly serve God like I never have before. To see the dreams that He has for me to unfold. What a year that would be. Even if that doesn't involve a husband or a child. Just to know that I am honestly living my life to the standard that He wants from me.
I love this world of blogging and hope to get better at it. I am so touched by many lives that I get to "visit" and read about. Thanks for sharing your lives with me.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed your comment on Stafford Stories and saw where you were from MS. Just stopping by to say "hi" and that I enjoyed visiting your blog. Happy New Year! Blessings!
