Monday, November 12, 2012

A Legacy

This past Thursday I got a phone call from Amanda. She told me that her brother had died that morning. Shocked is an understatement of how I felt. I offered to do anything I could, but at that moment no one really knew what to do. Lots of family were coming in from several states and the next few days were busy. I'm so thankful to everyone who rallied behind us this weekend. People called, texted, brought food, hugged, and laughed with us.

I had to work this weekend and wasn't able to be around as much as I wanted to be. On Saturday I took Hollie out of the house for little while. She needed it so badly. I loved letting her talk it out and just get some things off her chest.

The service for Richard was planned for Sunday afternoon. My friend Chris was getting baptized at his church at the early service. I debated on whether or not I should still go. I'm so happy that I did go. I needed to be in church that morning more than in the bed. I got to watch as Chris took a public stand in his relationship with Christ. It was a beautiful thing to watch.

After church, I was talking to my friend Amanda and her daughter when a lady came up. She talked to Amanda about something and then turned to me and said she read my blog. I *may* have screamed like a little kid with giddiness. She said she didn't really want to introduce herself, but did anyway. And Tara, I'm SO glad you did!

The service for Richard went really well. His son even got up and spoke. I began to think about the legacy that Richard is leaving behind. The memories that hundreds of people have of him. My life was so blessed to have known him and to call him family. 

Several questions have been stirring inside me over the weekend. What type of legacy am I living today so that one day I can leave it behind? Am I living RIGHT NOW in a way that shows others the love of Christ? Am I loving the people around me with judgement or fear? And there are more that are unanswered for me as well.

I'm praying that this week, I take the time to love more and live more. Not to be so caught up in the everyday routine not to notice those moments that could be life-changing. I want to live my legacy.

This is what my Thursday consisted of: couch 25K, putting up my tree, wrapping some gifts, reading magazines, downloading music, and Starbucks. Along with kids, shocking news, and work.
On Friday, Taylor and I met Ken and Amanda at Sam's to help get a few things they needed for everyone coming to their house. Let me just say that I work for the most amazing woman. She not only cares and loves me but also my family. I am so thankful for her. We got Chick-Fil-A for lunch. The nanny in me arranges the sauce in the container so that we don't spill it everywhere.
On Saturday, I went to spend time with family and just to hang out. Hollie needed to get away, so we went into town and got a couple of things. Including a couple for her. Gifts is her love language and she delights in getting things. So if a poster, a Starbucks, and a magazine can make her day, I was happy to help.  
with Riley and Ashley
pillow fight 
flash alert 
this still cracks me up 
making snow angels
While everyone was visiting, I hung out with the little girls. My nanny skills tend to just take over. It happens sometimes. Even when I don't intend for it to. But we had a great time. We played with ponies, make a fort out of a blanket, jumped on the trampoline, and watched a movie.
my friend Chris getting baptized
a blog reader and now friend- Tara  
the stare off 
Payton, me, Hannah, and Hollie 
silly girls 
no one looked at the same camera
But I honestly can not imagine my life without these people. I'm so blessed and thankful for them. The weekend was hard, emotional, and draining. But I'm grateful for a new outlook of treasuring the moments this week.

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